Ontario Ministry Documents
Aboriginal Perspectives: A Guide to the Teacher’s Toolkit (2009)
Effective Educational Practices for Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder (2007)
Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, And Reporting in Ontario Schools (2010)
Growing Success—The Kindergarten Addendum: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting In Ontario Schools (2016)
Ready, Set, Green! Tips, Techniques, and Resources from Ontario Educators (2007)
A Safe and Welcoming School Environment (n.d.)
Shaping a Culture of Respect in our Schools: Promoting Safe and Healthy Relationships (2008)
Stepping Stones: A Resource on Youth Development (2012)
Ontario Education Resources
EduGAINs—Ministry-developed resources that support policies and programs related to improved learning and teaching in Ontario schools (K–12)
Capacity Building—monograph produced by the Literacy and Numeracy Secretariat in support of leadership and instructional effectiveness in Ontario schools
eWorkshops—online resources developed for Elementary teachers by the Ontario Ministry of Education and TFO
LearnTeachLead—online resource developed in consultation with the Ontario Ministry of Education, Student Achievement Division
TeachOntario—online resource created by TVO, the Ontario Teacher’s Federation (OTF) and the Ontario Ministry of Education
Ontario Policies, Legislations, and Regulations
Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, S.O. 2005, c. 11.
Human Rights Code, R.S.O. 1990, c. H.19.
Policy/Program Memorandum 123: Safe Arrivals
Rubrics and Forms
Candidate Reflection Form 1 download docx document
Candidate Reflection Form 2 download docx document
Candidate Reflection Form 3 download docx document