This Basic page is a general-purpose layout.
You can use the HTML editor to make quick and easy changes without needing any prior knowledge of HTML. Enter your content and use the available controls to apply formatting to your text.
Pro Tip: When writing content, it is a great practice to first write content in a document, such as Microsoft Word. It allows stakeholders to easily collaborate and track changes to content. It also allows you to spot spelling and grammar errors early on.
When pasting text from a Word document into the HTML editor, however, some of the document’s text styling will copy over. This will clash with the styles that are carefully crafted for this template. So, we recommend to paste the text without formatting.
To paste text without formatting, you can use Ctrl+Shift+V (Cmd+Shift+V on Mac) to paste copied text as unformatted text to HTML editor.
For basic editing, please check Brightspace Help: Format HTML course content.(this link opens in a new window/tab)